Monday, October 27, 2008


This is Gilhooley my craft room guard. He is made from a 2x4, some fabric, and a wooden ball.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Recently, there was a corset swap on a group now closed. It's made of lace and hand sewn pearls. The lady that got it put it in her powder room.

Paper Dolls

I recently started learning to make paper dolls the other day. Here is my first one.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Little Christmas Trees

Little trees are 7.00 each.
Don't forget the pets, the tree
to the left is filled with doggie

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Fall Door Hanger

Autumn was in the air, so I needed something for my door.

Christmas Trees

Its starting to be a busy time
of the year. These are Christmas
trees we are making to sell. In sets
of three for 25.00. I have several
colors. They are made of fabric and
can be decorated.